RoboCup 2025

Virtual Robot Competition to be held at Salvador Convention Center - Bahia - Brazil — July 15-21, 2025


Team Qualification Materials Submission Deadline: Feb 21st, 2025 (23:55 GMT)

Filling the intent letter form is mandatory.

Qualified Teams Announcement: Rolling basis till March 14th, 2025

Camera-ready TDP submission: June 6th, 2025

Competitions: July 15-21, 2025

If you are interested or considering participating please take the time to fill the RoboCup 2025 Virtual Robot Competition - intent letter as soon as possible, so that we can inform you about the latest developments and updates.

RoboCup Rescue Simulation League and Virtual Robot Competition

The Virtual Robot Simulation competition aims to raise awareness about the complexities involved in search and rescue applications. It provides an objective platform for evaluating robotic implementations in environments that mimic real-world disaster scenarios. This competition also fosters collaboration among researchers, promoting the exchange of ideas and advancements in the field. In this competition, a generic urban disaster simulation environment is created on network computers. This virtual world is populated by robots who carry out search and rescue operations. These robots are designed to mimic the roles and responsibilities of the rescue team in the real-world to work together with the rescue team to reduce the disaster effects. Participating in the RoboCup Virtual Robot Competition offers a multitude of benefits. This competition is part of the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League, provides a unique platform for participants to apply and enhance their skills in AI and robotics within a simulated disaster environment. The Virtual Robot Competition is based on ROS/Gazebo, a sophisticated robot simulator. This platform allows participants to simulate multiple robots with capabilities that closely mirror those of real robots. It provides an opportunity to work with a variety of sensors and actuators, and to develop UAV and UGV robots using standard modules. The competition also addresses a wide range of research topics, including human-robot interfaces, autonomous navigation, sensor fusion, image processing, speech processing, 2D and 3D mapping, distributed planning, and distributed learning. By participating in the competition, individuals can gain hands-on experience in these areas, contributing to their professional development and potentially leading to advancements in the field of AI and robotics.

In 2025, we will hold the competition in hybrid mode, so both remote and in-person options would be available for the teams.

Intention of participation

If you are interested or considering participating please take the time to fill the RoboCup 2025 Virtual Robot Competition - intent letter form as soon as possible, so that we can inform you about the latest developments and updates.

Qualification material

Besides sending the intention of participation, please prepare before Feb 21, 2025, a Team Description Paper describing the most innovative contributions or scientific results your team is intended to provide.

The TDP is limited to 8 pages and must be formatted according to the LNCS format. The tex template file of the TDP can be found on the overleaf

The Team Description Paper is an overview of the methodologies you use or intend to use to control your robots inside the Virtual Robot Competition. If applicable, include a reference to your latest publications.

The qualification material should be placed on a dedicated web page on the team’s home page.

Please include the link to the qualification material on the intention of participation information.